The Phoenix Waveform is an essential tool in the Neural Fit program when treating chronic pain and neurological dysfunctions
The Phoenix Waveform and Neuro Fit Methods allow people suffering from Fibromyalgia, Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and other chronic pain and/or neurological disorders to take charge of their own health and not be dependent on going to the doctor’s visit, after doctor visit, after doctor visit.
Neuro Recovery Method
Chronic pain SUCKS. There is no better way to say it. While there is no known cure for these neurological disorders, our view is that you are so much more than a diagnosis of “Fibromyalgia” or “Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)”. You are much more than an ICD Code that inserts X treatment for X diagnosis.
Although you may have the same “diagnosis” of your condition, your dysfunctions, and your pain is unique to you. Therefore your treatment should be unique for you also. The Phoenix Waveform and Neural Fit Methods allow you to work with your doctor or therapist at their office and at your home for more extended therapy.
Neurobiomechanical Rehabilitation
Evaluated muscle inhibition, overexcitation, and compensation
Neurobiomechanical Re-Training. Restore and enhance brain, muscle, and joint communication
Electric stimulation is applied over the inhibited muscles and the client performs excises to restore proper firing, and muscle activation to get them and get them doing the job they are supposed to do.
Training muscles, joints, and nervous system to absorb force. Electric stimulation is placed on the muscle then plyometric eccentric exercises are performed.
The Neural Fit Methods in treating chronic pain and neurological disorders involve:
Using the “HUNT” technique to seek out areas of inflammation, trigger points, and/or dysfunction
Reduce inflammation and calm the nervous system.
Increase blood flow circulation
Increase Oxygen to the body, muscles, and nerves.
Accelerate healing and tissue regeneration.
Neuromuscular Retraining.
Movements are done with electric muscle stimulation designed to re-introduce your brain to your body: rebuilding your coordination, agility, and movement efficiency. We need to train our brains to work with our bodies and increase proprioception.
Reduce muscle compensation patterns and increase muscle strength and endurance without loading or pressure on the joints
Restore or enhance ATP levels
Promote healing electrons for healing & repair
Methods to Enhance Sleep